Research & Development
Research Studies
For USAISR’s Multi-Organ Support Technology (MOST) Research Support program, Vista Defense performs medical research studies in the areas of:
- Hemorrahagic Shock
- Trauma
- Inhalation Injury
- Burn Injuries/Pain Management
Research Activity Support
Vista Defense’s professional staff perform the following research activities:
- Coordination
- Scheduling
- Protocol Support
- Administrative Program Support
Trauma Registry Support
Vista Defense performs Health Information Management and Database Application Programming support activities for the:
- U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)
- U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR)
- Department of Defense Trauma Registry (DoDTR)
- TBI Registry (Trauma Registry Support)
Our programmers maintain databases and associated computer systems and select the optimal technology solution through the analyzation of user system and application needs.
Population Health Informatics and Epidemiologist Support
Our staff provides a broad range of technical healthcare informatics support to the Military Health System (MHS), Air Force Surgeon General (AF/SG), Major Commands (MAJCOMs), and Medical Treatment facilities (MTFs), as these organizations shift their focus from intervention services to improving the health of the entire population through population health initiatives. We develop clinical process improvement measures and outcome metrics for the MTFs as they implement population-based healthcare and perform program data queries and analyses integration of medical knowledge and analytical software applications. For the MHS Population Health Portal (MHSPHP), our staff advises MAJCOMs and MTFs on the use of developed clinical metrics system measures to improve the health of their enrolled population.
Our Epidemiologists assists in accessing, analyzing, and disseminating information about specific populations, by developing, validating and linking various medical, safety, environmental, occupational, and personnel databases. They provide the investigative and research expertise to develop prototypes of tools, programs, procedures, services and databases.
Client Profile

In support of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command under MEDCOM, our team focuses on research investigation, data collection and analysis, with advancing the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine through development of new knowledge and strategies for preservation, repair, regeneration, augmentation or replacement of musculoskeletal tissues and skin injured or physically lost due to combat related extremity trauma and/or burn injury. In addition, our team develops and maintains the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Registry for ISR. Our Clinical Data Specialist serves as a TBI trauma and clinical subject matter expert (SME) to non-clinical personnel.

A Bristol Bay Native Corporation Company
© Vista Defense Technologies 2022